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Crowns & Bridges

High-Quality Shawnee Dental Crowns & Bridges

happy young couple huggingAt In Harmony Dental Care, our overarching goal is to provide you with a healthy, beautiful smile. If you find yourself struggling with chipped, fractured, or missing teeth, a dental crown or bridge may be the ideal solution. Dr. Carol Akers has placed custom-fitted restorations with precision and care since 2004. Our team enjoys crafting your idea of a perfect smile in a comfortable, stress-free environment. We want you to feel at home in our practice and treat you as a member of our own dental family.

To provide you with an optimal experience, we're proud to offer our selection of services in English and Spanish. Our practice provides prompt care and high-quality crown and bridge restorations to Shawnee, Lenexa, and Merriam residents, as well as the surrounding areas. We believe that everyone in our community deserves access to dental treatments. Our practice accepts most insurance plans and can offer flexible financing through CareCredit® to ensure you receive the treatment you require when you need it most.

We look forward to discussing your oral health goals in person, so give In Harmony Dental Care a call today to set up an appointment with our friendly team!


What Are Dental Crowns?

illustration of dental crown and bridgeA dental crown is a restoration that covers the surface of a tooth, down to the gum line. Dr. Akers uses crowns to restore a tooth that has undergone significant damage, long-term decay, or root canal therapy. Your custom crown comfortably fits the vulnerable tooth and protects it from further damage. Your prosthetic also restores the original size, functionality, and shape of the afflicted tooth. We provide high-quality dental crowns in Shawnee that last for many years when properly maintained.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

Dental bridges fill gaps in your smile using a combination of crowns and natural-looking prosthetic teeth. When our dentist places a traditional bridge in Shawnee, your healthy teeth are used to keep the appliance in place. We can also use dental implants to provide stable anchors for your replacement teeth.

5 Reasons to Receive a Crown

Dental crowns are practical, affordable, and used to correct several dental situations. You might consider receiving a crown at our Shawnee practice if:

  1. You're Seeking a Cosmetic Treatment: Crowns can effectively restore the aesthetics of a misshapen tooth. If you have one tooth that's smaller, shorter, or out-of-place in your smile, a crown offers a simple solution. Your restoration blends in with your healthy teeth to craft a beautiful, natural appearance.
  2. You Have a Missing Tooth: Our practice provides implant-supported crowns to smoothly replace a missing tooth. The restoration is securely attached to your dental implant post by our skilled dentist to provide you with a long-lasting replacement tooth.
  3. You Have a Sizeable Cavity: Our team generally uses fillings to seal off an afflicted tooth and prevent future infections. Sometimes, large cavities are too extensive to effectively seal with a filling. We may use a dental crown to finish your treatment and preserve your oral health in this situation.
  4. One of Your Teeth Is Cracked, Broken, or Chipped: Dental crowns are beneficial for reinforcing damaged teeth and restoring their function.
  5. A Tooth Is Worn-Down: If you have an uneven bite or are prone to grinding your teeth while sleeping, one or more teeth may wear down over time. A crown shields the damaged tooth and prevents additional wear as time passes.

The Benefits of Dental Bridges

In addition to improving your smile's aesthetic by efficiently closing gaps, a bridge also anchors your healthy teeth in place. The bridge prevents your smile from shifting as time passes by removing the spaces between your natural teeth. By receiving a bridge to maintain the integrity and structure of your teeth, you may avoid expensive cosmetic treatments in the future.

Our Process for Custom Restorations

woman getting a dental checkupIf you're experiencing tooth pain or you believe a crown or bridge may be beneficial, give our friendly team a call. We'll schedule you for the next possible appointment so Dr. Akers can evaluate your situation and provide further guidance. Should you experience discomfort after hours, still contact our office, and our dentist will get back to you as soon as possible.

It typically takes two appointments to design and place a custom-fitted crown or bridge at our Shawnee practice. During your initial visit, our dentist uses x-rays and exams to plan the ideal location and size of your prosthetic. We'll then order your bridge or crown from a trusted local dental lab. It typically takes two weeks to craft your new appliance.

While you wait for your bridge or crown to be completed, we'll place a temporary restoration to protect the vulnerable tooth. As soon as your restoration arrives at our office, you'll stop by for your second visit. We'll place your new restoration, check that it's comfortable, and address any questions you have.

Comfortable Bridges & Crowns in Shawnee

When it comes to crafting an appealing and healthy smile, you can count on Dr. Akers and her skilled team at In Harmony Dental Care. Our mission is to consistently provide the stress-free, high-quality experience that you deserve. Give our practice a call today to discover whether a crown or bridge suits your needs!


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We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.


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